With just a few days left in 2015 we round up our favorite short games of the year.

3) Her Story
Her Story

2) Tie between Rocket League and The Magic Circle




The Short Game Game of the Year 2015


Also Ranked

Other games mentioned in this episode:

Other links:
New Yorker GOTY list 2015
Time Magazine GOTY list 2015
Watch Out For Fireballs EPISODE 63: DISHONORED

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Your hosts this week were:

We finally catch up on a game we’ve meant to play since March. Ori and the Blind Forest is a beautiful Miyazaki inspired Metroidvania style romp through a lush forest landscape full of bright characters and fluid animation. We discuss the game’s beautiful art style, its “story” (such as it is,) and compare it with some other high-profile indie Metroidvania style games like Axiom Verge.

Ori and the Blind Forest is available for Xbox One and Windows (Steam) for $19.99. Expect it to take about 7.5 to 9 hours to complete.

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

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Your hosts this week were:

Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and the Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist is a 15 minute free heist game from Crows Crows Crows, a new development studio headed by William Pugh, one of the creators of The Stanley Parable. It’s totally free, and absolutely certain to put a huge smile on your face.

Saying more would almost spoil it. So naturally, we talk about it for over half an hour.

We start by catching up on what your hosts have been up to since our last episode, including Laura’s new PS4 and Raygan’s trip to Playstation Experience. After the spoiler break at about 23 minutes in we discuss the game in depth.

If you haven’t already, go grab Dr. Langeskov on itch.io or Steam.

Links for this episode:

For some reason we all decided to share our PSN IDs on this episode. They are as follows:

  • Laura: spiderlaura
  • Raygan: raygan
  • Nate: getpaid4free
  • Shane: 8bitshane

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

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Your hosts this week were:

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes has more in common with party games played with boards or cards than with most video games. You play it in person with friends, one of whom is the bomb-defuser, looking at a simulated bomb on their laptop (or VR headset) with the others trying to talk them through the complex defusing process with the help of a hilariously complex bomb defusal manual. It’s a game designed to facilitate fun communication, minor panics, and hilarious mistakes.

Each round/bomb takes about 5 minutes to play/defuse. The game is available on Steam for Windows PC, as well as for Samsung Gear VR in the Oculus Store.

Also mentioned in this episode:

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
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Your hosts this week were:

We’re back with more discussion of Undertale, but this time we’re talking about the story, characters, and endings! This all-spoiler episode follows up on our spoiler free discussion of the game, so if you haven’t played the game, start there!

Thanks for nerding out about Undertale with us some more. Next week we will be back with a quick episode on bomb-defusing pseudo-party-game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes! We’ll also be discussing the results of the 2015 IFComp interactive fiction competition.

Undertale Review – Giant Bomb

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

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Your hosts this week were:

The initial version of this episode had a sound issue with Shane’s track that has since been corrected. If you hear any gaps in the audio, please delete and re-download the episode. Sorry for the inconvenience.

This week we’re talking about Undertale by Toby Fox. Described as “the RPG where you don’t have to destroy anyone,” Undertale turned out to be one of the sweetest, funniest, and ultimately most moving games we’ve played.

In the interest of preserving Undertale’s many surprises, we’ve trying a different format this week. This episode is entirely spoiler free. We discuss the game’s unique gameplay and humor, and give a few tips for enjoying it fully. Next week we’ll be returning with a short episode covering details of the story and endings.

Editor’s Note: This is a strong contender for my Game of the Year. Don’t miss it! – Raygan

Undertale is available for Mac and Windows, through Steam, the Humble Store, and the developer’s website, for $9.99. Expect it to take around 10 hours to complete.

Here’s a link to the Temmie Armor, mentioned near the end of the episode.

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

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Your hosts this week were:

In this special episode of The Short Game we are recapping the final acts of Life is Strange, a game we started covering when its first episodic chapter released early this year. If you are new to Life is Strange, start by playing the game or with our first episode on it, but if you’ve completed the game, listen in for some in-depth discussion of the triumphs and frustrations of this important game.

Links for this episode

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

Like the show? Support us by writing a review on iTunes!

Your hosts this week were:

Continuing on with our coverage of IFComp (the Interactive Fiction Competition) we’re back with brief impressions of 11 more games from this year’s whopping 55 entries. Be sure to check out Episode 61 for more games and some background on IFComp.

IFComp 2015 Games Covered in This Episode

  • Untold Riches by Jason Ermer
  • Unbeknown by A. DeNiro
  • The Baker of Shireton by Hanon Ondricek
  • Taghairm by Chandler Groover
  • SPY INTRIGUE by furkle
  • Grandma Bethlinda’s Variety Box by Arthur DiBianca
  • Ether by Mathbrush
  • Duel by piato
  • The King and the Crown by Wes Lesley
  • Forever Meow by Moe Zilla
  • A Figure Met in a Shaded Wood by Michael Thomet

Click Here for Download/Play Online links for all 2015 IFComp games

Correction: We described Solarium, by Alan DeNiro, from the 2013 IFComp, as a parser game. It is in fact a Twine game like his 2015 entry.

Links for this episode

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

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Your hosts this week were:

This week we’re talking about The Beginner’s Guide, the new game from Davey Wreden. Wreden’s first game, The Stanley Parable, was the topic of the second episode of The Short Game way back in the distant past (last year.) We loved it, to say the least. This game is a very different beast, and it covers some pseudo-autobiographical territory. Wreaden narrates as he presents a collection of short games by a (fictional) friend, Coda, and explains what each one means to him. But Wreden and Coda have a more complex relationship than is initially on display. The collection delves into deep psychological and ethical waters during its short run-time.

The Beginner’s Guide is available for $9.99 on Steam and the Humble Store for Mac and PC. Expect it to take just an hour and a half to complete.

Links for this episode:

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

Like the show? Support us by writing a review on iTunes!

Your hosts this week were:

IFComp, the interactive fiction competition, is the longest running and most important event in the interactive fiction scene. Each year dozens of interactive fiction authors submit new work of all kinds, from hardcore parser puzzle games to experimental Twine games, and this year a record 55 games were submitted! With a timely assist from Emily Short we selected a few of this year’s most intriguing entires and bring you some brief impressions. With so many games to try, this is likely just the beginning of our IFComp coverage!

IFComp 2015 Games Covered in This Episode
– 5 Minutes to Burn Something! by Alex Butterfield
– Arcane Intern (Unpaid) by Astrid Dalmady
– Brain Guzzlers from Beyond! by Steph Cherrywell
– Laid Off from the Synesthesia Factory by Katherine Morayati
– Map by Ade
– Midnight. Swordfight. by Chandler Groover
– Sub Rosa by Joey Jones & Melvin Rangasamy

Click here for a ballot and download links for all of the 2015 IFComp entries

Planning on playing along or voting in this year’s IFComp? Let us know your impressions! Use our Contact form or contact us on Twitter at @_shortgame!

Links for this episode:

You can follow our show on Twitter at @_shortgame
See our list of upcoming games, and make suggestions..

Like the show? Support us by writing a review on iTunes!

Your hosts this week were: